Christmas is filled with promises–promised gifts, promised gatherings, promised good times. That makes sense since on the first Christmas God kept a great promise. He promised to help us find our way back home to Him. At the heart of Christmas is a Father who loved us so much He sent His Son Jesus to free us from our past and give us hope for the future. This Christmas at The Anchor, discover that God’s Promise is waiting for you.
Christmas Eve Worship-7pm (Blended worship style with candlelight)
Christmas Day Worship-10am (Abbreviated hymn sing worship. Please bring baby hats and blankets as an offering)
Christmas is filled with promises–promised gifts, promised gatherings, promised good times. That makes sense since on the first Christmas God kept a great promise. He promised to help us find our way back home to Him. At the heart of Christmas is a Father who loved us so much He sent His Son Jesus to free us from our past and give us hope for the future. This Christmas at The Anchor, discover that God’s Promise is waiting for you.
Christmas Day Worship–10am (Abbreviated hymn sing worship. Please bring baby hats and blankets as an offering for the Helping Babies Survive Program)

GriefShare is a 13-week long support group for those who have lost loved ones. Each week, a video seminar is shared for the beginning of our meeting that features some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective.
The video seminars are combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video.
Join a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. We are here to help.
Beginning on January 16, sessions will be every Monday, 7-9pm, in the Conference Room through April 10.
Hosted by Lynne Sabutis and Cheryl Stitzenger of Hope and Grace Counseling,
Cost: $15 (cost of workbook)
*If you’re unable to purchase workbook, please let us know and come anyway. We will help with cost of materials.
For more information: office@anchorpresbyterian. org

Are you medical staff? Nurse, doctor, or simply interested to help in anyway you can? If you are interested in joining our team, please join us Friday morning for an information meeting to learn how you can be involved or email Pastor Leah for more information
Where: Haiti
Dates: March 3-9th
What: Medical mission to Haiti including: mobile medical clinics and Helping Babies Breathe training for Haitian midwives. We will be hosted in country by Foundation for Peace.