Are you medical staff? Nurse, doctor, or simply interested to help in anyway you can? If you are interested in joining our team, please join us Friday morning for an information meeting to learn how you can be involved or email Pastor Leah for more information
Where: Haiti
Dates: March 3-9th
What: Medical mission to Haiti including: mobile medical clinics and Helping Babies Breathe training for Haitian midwives. We will be hosted in country by Foundation for Peace.

Every fourth Saturday, we make a hearty warm meal from fresh ingredients for the homeless in Trenton, NJ.
Whether you want to cook in the kitchen cracking eggs or flipping french toast, serve our guests in the buffet line or at the coffee counter, or just sit and visit with those visiting for breakfast, there is a place for you.
We welcome people of all ages to join us!
Please arrive between 7-7:15am. We typically finish by 10am.
To sign up: Email our office!
Parking entrance for First Presbyterian Church is located behind the church off of East Hanover Street.
From E. State Street, make left at the light on to N. Montgomery St.
At first light, make left on to E. Hanover.
Parking entrance is on your left right before the “Neon Bar” sign.

Finding God in all Seasons
Presenter: Sister Pat Kelly, SSJ
Includes Interactive Stations: we will have group and individual sessions on how to rely on God during good and bad times.
A continental breakfast and box lunch will be served.
Please RSVP to office by January 21 with lunch choice:
Ham and Cheddar on small roll or Crunch Veggie Pita (gluten free available upon request)