The Christmas story is a story of love, hope, redemption and relationship. So, what happened? How did it turn into stuff, stress and debt? Somehow, we’ve traded the best story in the world for the story of what’s on sale. Lets conspire to change the way we celebrate Christmas by spending less, giving more, loving all, and worshipping fully!
This year, The Anchor invites you to celebrate Christmas differently. Instead of spending more on gifts that people don’t need-consider making your own gifts or spending less and then use the money you saved for things that really matter. Here is how you can give at The Anchor this year:
- Help reduce our debt owed for replacing Anchor’s Roof
- Donate money towards helping cover the cost of purchasing TEN Helping Babies Breathe Programs. These programs teach midwives in third world countries who to save the lives of babies born not breathing. Then, on Christmas Day, bring baby hats and blankets as an offering. They will be donated alongside the training programs to clinics throughout Africa.
Help pack food donations for families in need this Christmas!
Food Needed:
Donations Needed:
-Canned Sweet Potatoes
-Canned tuna/meat
Packing begins at 10am at the Wrightstown Food Cupboard.
Christmas is filled with promises–promised gifts, promised gatherings, promised good times. That makes sense since on the first Christmas God kept a great promise. He promised to help us find our way back home to Him. At the heart of Christmas is a Father who loved us so much He sent His Son Jesus to free us from our past and give us hope for the future. This Christmas at The Anchor, discover that God’s Promise is waiting for you.
Christmas Eve Worship-7pm (Blended worship style with candlelight)
Christmas Day Worship-10am (Abbreviated hymn sing worship. Please bring baby hats and blankets as an offering)
Christmas is filled with promises–promised gifts, promised gatherings, promised good times. That makes sense since on the first Christmas God kept a great promise. He promised to help us find our way back home to Him. At the heart of Christmas is a Father who loved us so much He sent His Son Jesus to free us from our past and give us hope for the future. This Christmas at The Anchor, discover that God’s Promise is waiting for you.
Christmas Day Worship–10am (Abbreviated hymn sing worship. Please bring baby hats and blankets as an offering for the Helping Babies Survive Program)